This 'Wolf Mask' Can Disinfect Closed Spaces, Reduce Risk Of COVID-19 Infections. An Alappuzha-based startup 'All About Innovation' claims to have found a solution to this problem. It has introduced a device 'Wolf Airmask' which naturally purifies the air, even with a moving crowd.
Wolf Airmask is made using state-of-the-art technology to eliminate air-borne germs in enclosed spaces where air circulation is low. The creators claim that the ozone generators and ion thrusters can sterilise the air around us using negative ions extracted from natural resources. The equipment can also effectively prevent infection from mutated Covid-19 virus.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, it could be quite risky for people to stay in closed spaces especially air-conditioned ones. However, an Alappuzha-based startup 'All About Innovation' claims to have found a solution to this problem. It has introduced a device 'Wolf Airmask' which naturally purifies the air, even with a moving crowd.

This 'Wolf Mask' Can Disinfect Closed Spaces, Reduce Risk Of COVID 19

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, it could be quite risky for people to stay in closed spaces especially air-conditioned ones. However, an Alappuzha-based startup 'All About Innovation' claims to have found a solution to this problem. It has introduced a device 'Wolf Airmask' which naturally purifies the air, even with a moving crowd.

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