TS TET 2023 Notification Out! Telangana TET's detailed notification 2023, eligibility, and other details are now given below. Read the full notification of TS TET 2023 before applying for the form. Detailed TS TET 2023 Notification, TS TET Schedule, TS TET 2023 Online Dates, Syllabus are explained Below.
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TS-TET Cell O/o the Director, SCERT
Opp. E.Gate, LB Stadium, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad-500001. TS-TET Office Telephone: Cell. No. 7075875845, 7075875847
Telangana TET 2023 Notification released by the Government of Telangana State, School Education Department on its official website www.tstet.cgg.gov.in. Eligible candidates who are interested in can check details and apply for the Telangana State Teacher Eligibility Test (TSTET) on its official website with required information.

TS TET 2023: Telangana State Teacher Eligibility Test Notification PDF, Schedule, Exam Pattern Out Apply Now
TS-TET Cell O/o the Director, SCERT
Opp. E.Gate, LB Stadium, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad-500001. TS-TET Office Telephone: Cell. No. 7075875845, 7075875847
Telangana TET is a mandatory examination for candidates aspiring to become teachers in various government schools within the state of Telangana. The primary objective of TS TET is to ensure that the candidates who are selected for teaching positions possess the essential skills, competencies, and knowledge required to impart quality education to students at the primary and upper primary levels.
TS TET Notification 2023: Department of School Education, Government of Telangana, will soon release the Telangana State Teacher Eligibility Test (TS TET 2023) official notification on the official website tstet.cgg.gov.in. Interested candidates may apply for TS TET 2023 as per the guidelines provided by the TSTET Exam 2023 conducting body. The Telangana State Teachers Eligibility Test (TS TET 2023 ) exam date will be released later. Candidates may read the complete article to learn about the TS TET 2023 Notification, Exam date, Exam Pattern, Syllabus & Eligibility Criteria.
TS-TET Cell O/o the Director, SCERT
Opp. E.Gate, LB Stadium, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad-500001. TS-TET Office Telephone: Cell. No. 7075875845, 7075875847
Telangana TET is a mandatory examination for candidates aspiring to become teachers in various government schools within the state of Telangana. The primary objective of TS TET is to ensure that the candidates who are selected for teaching positions possess the essential skills, competencies, and knowledge required to impart quality education to students at the primary and upper primary levels.
TS TET Notification 2023: Department of School Education, Government of Telangana, will soon release the Telangana State Teacher Eligibility Test (TS TET 2023) official notification on the official website tstet.cgg.gov.in. Interested candidates may apply for TS TET 2023 as per the guidelines provided by the TSTET Exam 2023 conducting body. The Telangana State Teachers Eligibility Test (TS TET 2023 ) exam date will be released later. Candidates may read the complete article to learn about the TS TET 2023 Notification, Exam date, Exam Pattern, Syllabus & Eligibility Criteria.
Telangana TET 2023 Notification PDF
All candidates who possess D.El.Ed./D.Ed./ B.Ed. / Language Pandit or equivalent qualifications and candidates pursuing final year of the said courses with requisite percentage of marks obtained as given in the Information Bulletin of TS-TET-2023 and who aspire to become teachers for classes I to VIII in the schools of the State Government, Mandal Parishad, Zilla Parishad Schools, Private Aided Schools and Private unaided schools in Telangana State can appear for TS-TET-2023.However, the candidates intending to seek employment as a teacher in private unaided schools shall have the option of appearing at CTET conducted by Central Government through CBSE, instead of TS-TET-2023, if they so desire. The candidates who did not qualify in the TETS conducted earlier can also apply for the TS-TET-2023. Further, the candidates who got qualified in the earlier TETS can also apply for TS-TET-2023, if they desire improvement over their previous TET score,
The Telangana TET 2023 is an examination conducted by the Telangana State Government to assess the eligibility of candidates for teaching positions in primary and upper primary schools in the state.
This Teacher Eligibility Examination ensures that only qualified individuals enter the teaching profession, guaranteeing quality education for the students of Telangana.
The school education department has focused on conducting the Teacher Eligibility Test (TSTET) in the state of Telangana. Officials feel that the TET needs to be conducted in the light of the fact that the process of recruitment of teachers will start soon.
SCERT officials have started the exercise on formulating rules, syllabus and exam pattern of questions as per the guidelines of the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) regarding the examination.
Short Brief of TS TET 2023 Notification in Telugu
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Telangana TET 2023 Notification Overview
TS TET notification 2023 Overview |
Description | Details |
Name of the Board | Government of Telangana, Department of School Education |
Name of the Posts | Secondary & Higher Education |
Name of the Exam | Telangana State Teachers Eligibility Test (TS TET) |
Application Mode | Online Mode |
Official portal | tstet.cgg.gov.in |
Online APPLICATION Dates | 2nd August to 16th August 2023 |
TS TET 2023 Exam Date | 15th Sep 2023 |
Telangana TS TET 2023 Important Dates
In the below table, you can find out what is the date of the TS TET 2023 Notification, Exam Date, Application Form, Result and cut-off.
TSTET 2023 Important Dates | |
TS TET Notification 2023 Released | 01.08.2023 |
Online Application Form Started | 02.08.2023 |
Last Date To Fill The Form | 16.08.2023 |
Download Admit Card | 09.0.2023 |
TS TET Exam Date | 15.09.2023 |
TS TET Result 2023 | 27.09.2023 |
TS TET 2023 Notification PDF
TS TET Notification 2023 will be released by the Department of School Education, Government of Telangana soon. The candidate must go through the detailed notification of Telangana TET 2023 before filling up the application form.
The candidate after satisfying herself/himself with the eligibility criteria for TS TET shall pay a fee of Rs.300/-(Rupees Three hundred only) for appearing for a single paper (i.e., only Paper I or only Paper II), or, for Both Papers (i.e., Paper I and Paper II). Candidates can access the previous year’s TS TET notification as a reference..
The candidate after satisfying herself/himself with the eligibility criteria for TS TET shall pay a fee of Rs.300/-(Rupees Three hundred only) for appearing for a single paper (i.e., only Paper I or only Paper II), or, for Both Papers (i.e., Paper I and Paper II). Candidates can access the previous year’s TS TET notification as a reference..

How to Fill the TSTET 2023 Application Form?
Who are Eligible to write Telangana TET?
All candidates who possess D.Ed./ B.Ed. / Language Pandit or equivalent qualifications and candidates pursuing final year of the said courses with requisite percentage of marks obtained as given in the Information Bulletin of TS TET 2023.Who aspire to become teachers for classes I to VIII in the schools of the State Government, Mandal Parishad, Zilla Parishad Schools, Private Aided Schools and Private unaided schools in Telangana State can appear for TS TET.
Procedure for submission of application online:
The 'Information Detailed procedure for applying ONLINE is given in the Information Bulletin. Candidates can of cost from the TSTET website: Bulletin' free download https://tstet.cgg.gov.in from 01.08.2023 onwards. Candidates can submit their applications online from 02.08.2023 to 16.08.2023 through website: https://tstet.cgg.gov.inCandidates must follow the below-mentioned steps while filling up the TS TET Application form. The candidates shall first download the ‘Information Bulletin’ from the TS-TET website https://tstet.cgg.gov.in, or the above-mentioned link & go through it carefully and verify their eligibility for appearing for TS TET 2023.
- To fill out the TS TET 2023 online application form, candidates must visit the official website i.e @ tstet.cgg.gov.in.
- New Users kindly registered yourself first via using an authentic mobile number & Email ID.
- Go to the link “Apply online”, and you will notice the steps to apply
- Candidates need to fill in all the required information asked in the application form
- The candidate also upload a recent photograph & Signature in the required dimension asked in the form
- After redirecting to another webpage, it will ask you to enter the required credentials, upload the mandatory documents’ scan copy and pay the online application fee
- The candidate needs to save the final confirmation copy for future reference.
TS TET 2023 Eligibility Criteria Educational Qualifications
Learn about the TS TET Eligibility Criteria 2023. Check the below details about Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test 2023 Eligibility Criteria & Qualification.TS TET Eligibility Criteria 2023 | |
Paper | Education Qualification |
Paper – I (Class I to Class V) |
Paper – II (Class VI to Class VIII) |
TS TET 2023 Application Fee
Aspirants who want to participate in the Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test 2023 have to pay the application fee through the online payment mode. The TS TET 2023 Application Fee is mentioned below.
The exam fee prescribed for appearing for a Single Paper (i.e. only Paper I or only Paper II), or, for Both Papers (i.e. Paper I and Paper II) is Rs.400/- (Rupees four hundred only).
Candidates can pay the exam fee through Online payment option provided in the TS-TET website https://tstet.cgg.gov.in between 02.08.2023 to 16.08.2023.
The exam fee prescribed for appearing for a Single Paper (i.e. only Paper I or only Paper II), or, for Both Papers (i.e. Paper I and Paper II) is Rs.400/- (Rupees four hundred only).
Candidates can pay the exam fee through Online payment option provided in the TS-TET website https://tstet.cgg.gov.in between 02.08.2023 to 16.08.2023.
Category & Application Fee [For Single Paper]
- SC / ST ₹ 400/-
- General ₹ 400/-
- OBC ₹400/-.
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TSTET 2023 Exam Structure and TET Pattern
TS-TET-2023 will be conducted in 2 papers viz. Paper-I & Paper-II. The candidates
who intend to be teachers for classes I to V have to appear for Paper-1 and the candidates who intend to be teachers for classes VI to VIII have to appear for Paper- II. The candidates who intend to be teachers for all classes from I to VIII can appear for both papers, Paper-I and Paper-II.
who intend to be teachers for classes I to V have to appear for Paper-1 and the candidates who intend to be teachers for classes VI to VIII have to appear for Paper- II. The candidates who intend to be teachers for all classes from I to VIII can appear for both papers, Paper-I and Paper-II.
TS TET Exam Pattern 2023 (Paper – I) | ||
Subject | Questions | Marks |
Mathematics | 30 | 30 |
Child development and Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language – I (Telugu, Urdu, Hindi, Bengali, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil and Gujarat) |
30 | 30 |
Language – II (English) | 30 | 30 |
Environmental Studies | 30 | 30 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
TS TET Exam Pattern 2023 (Paper – II) | ||
Subject | Questions | Marks |
Science and Mathematics / Social Science | 60 | 60 |
Language – I (Hindi, Urdu, Bangla, Maithili, Bhojpuri, Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, English) | 30 | 30 |
Language – II (English) | 30 | 30 |
Child development and Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
TS TET 2023Exam STructure & Exam Pattern
Type of Questions | Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions |
Number of Questions | 150 questions |
Total Marks | 150 marks |
Marking Scheme |
Medium of Question Paper | English and Language-I (opted by the candidate) |
Number of Papers |
Duration of Examination | 2 hours and 30 minutes |
TS TET Exam Pattern 2023 Important Points
Candidates must check out the additional information on the TS TET Exam Pattern 2023 to understand the finer details.
- The candidates need to select Language-I among the languages offered for TS TET Exam 2023 for Paper-I and Paper-II. The subjects offered in Paper-I are- Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Marathi, Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, and Gujarati and in Paper-II are – Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, and Sanskrit. The candidate must have studied the Language-I chosen as a medium of study or as a first language at least up to class 10.
- The Language-II must be English for candidates.
- The syllabi of Maths & EVS in Paper-I are based on classes 1-5 however, the difficulty level of the content and topics will be of secondary standard (up to class 10) to test the aptitude and knowledge of the candidates.
- The Maths & EVS section will contain 24 questions based on content and 6 on subject pedagogy.
- Among the 30 questions under the Language-I and Language-II sections of Paper-I and Paper-II, six-question will be from Language Pedagogy respectively.
- The content of Child Development and Pedagogy will be based on Primary level and Elementary level in Paper-I and Paper-II respectively.
- For the Maths and Science section in Paper-II, there will be 30 questions on Maths among which, 6 will be Maths Pedagogy. The science section is divided into three parts- Physical Science (content-based 12 questions), Biological Science (content-based 12 questions), and Science Pedagogy (6 questions).
- For the Social Studies section in Paper 2, there will be questions on History, Civics and Geography. Out of the total 60 questions in this section, 48 questions will be content-based and 6 questions will be on subject pedagogy.
- In Paper-II the syllabi for Maths and Sciences and Social Studies will be based on topics for classes 6-8.
- The syllabi of language-I and language-II in Paper-I and Paper-II will aim to test the communication and comprehension abilities and proficiency in language and elements of languages of the candidates.
TS TET 2023 Download Links from Official Website
The Official Website for TS TET 2023 is https://tstet.cgg.gov.in/. All the Information will be provided and uploaded in the Website. More Download links will be provided as soon as they are available in the Website.Exemption from passing TS-TET:
Teachers who were appointed before NCTE notification, dated 23.08.2010 on selection by District Selection Committee or by the competent authority in Govt. / Local Authority as per Recruitment rules prevalent at that time are exempted from appearing for the TET Exam. However, teachers working in private schools whose appointments were not approved by the competent authority in Government are not exempted from passing TET. Such teachers of private unaided schools can also appear for TET conducted by either State Government or Central Government. Teachers working in private aided schools whose appointment is not approved by the competent authority should invariably pass TS-TET only.