Bank of India (BOI) Recruitment 2025 for 400 posts of Apprentice. Candidates with Any Graduate Can Apply Online. The online application opens on 01-03-2025, and closes on 28-03-2025. The candidate shall apply online through BOI website,
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Bank of India Recruitment 2025 Notification Out For 400 Apprentice Posts

Bank of India Recruitment 2025 Notification Overview
The Bank of India (BOI) has officially released a recruitment notification for Apprentice. For all details regarding the recruitment process, eligibility, and application procedure, refer to the official notification. Eligible candidates can download it from the link below.Application Fee
- For PwBD candidates: Rs.400/- + GST
- For Schedule Caste / Schedule Tribe / All Women candidates: Rs.600/- + GST
- For All Other Candidates: Rs. 800/- + GST
Bank of India Recruitment 2025 Important Dates
- Starting Date for Apply Online & Application Fee: 01-03-2025
- Last Date for Apply Online & Application Fee: 15-03-2025
- Extended Last Date: 28-03-2025
Bank of India Apprentice Notification 2025 Age Limit (as on 01-01-2025)
- Minimum Age Limit: 20 Years
- Maximum Age limit: 28 Years
- The candidate must have been born not earlier than 02.01.1997 and not later than 01.01.2005 (both days inclusive)
- Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.
- The candidate must possess a graduate degree in any discipline from a recognized university or any equivalent qualifications recognized by central government. The candidate should have passed his/her graduation degree between 01.04.2021 and 01.01.2025.
- The apprentices are eligible for stipend of Rs.12000/- (Rupees Twelve Thousand Only) per month for the engagement period of one year. The apprentices are not eligible for any other allowances/benefits
Selection Process
- Selection for engagement of apprentices would be based on the basis of (i) online written test and (ii) test of local language
- Bank reserves the right to modify the structure of the examination which will be intimated through its official website.
- The Total duration of examination would be 90 minutes.
- The above tests except the Test of English Language will be available bilingually, i.e. English and Hindi.
- The test of English Language will be of qualifying nature i.e. Marks obtained in English Language will not be added while preparing merit List.
- The minimum qualifying marks in English, General/ Financial awareness, Quantitative & Reasoning Aptitude and Computer Knowledge will be decided by Bank at its sole discretion.
- Qualifying marks stipulated above are for General/EWS Category candidates.
- Candidates belonging to the Category SC/ST/OBC/PWD, filling in vacancies reserved for the relevant category, will be entitled to a relaxation of 5% marks in relation to that stipulated for general category candidates.
Bank of India Apprentice Recruitment 2025 Vacancy Details
- Apprentice 400
Documents Required
- Printout of the valid intimation letter issued by BFSI SSC
- Proof of Date of Birth (SSC Marksheet)
- Photo Identify Proof (Aadhar Card)
- Mark sheets & certificates for educational qualifications. Proper document from Board /University for having declared the result between 01.04.2021 to 01.01.2025 has to be submitted
- Caste Certificate issued by competent authority in the prescribed format as stipulated by Government of India in case of SC / ST / OBC category candidates.
- Income and Asset Certificate issued by any one of the Authorities as notified by the Government of India in the prescribed format in case of EWS category candidates.
- Disability Certificate in prescribed format in case of PWBD category.
- Any other relevant documents in support of eligibility.
How to Apply
- All applicants will have to apply online for “Apprenticeship with Bank of India” from 01.03.2025 to 15.03.2025 by clicking the link (the apprenticeship portal)
- Candidates should mandatorily first register themselves, if eligible, in the Apprenticeship portals of Government of India viz NATS portal (Navigate to the “Student Register/Login” section)
- Those registered on NATS portal will have to go to and login into the portal using their user id and password.
- After login into the portal the candidate has to apply for Apprenticeship as per the Advertisement published by “Bank of India” by going to the section “Apply against advertised vacancies”
- The candidates who are eligible as per the apprenticeship notification of Bank of India would receive an email from within 48 Hrs of applying the application on NATS portal, inviting them to fill the final “Application cum Examination Fee Form” wherein the candidate will have to provide his/her personal data, choice of zone, category, PWBD status and make online payment of the requisite examination fee
- It is very IMPORTANT for all candidates who have applied to MAKE NOTE of their Enrolment Id (issued by NATS portal)
- In case the candidates are facing issues in getting themselves registered they are advised to go through the help manual available on the NATS portal. The link for accessing the manual is given below:
- The candidates who successfully make the examination fee payment would receive an email from with a copy of his/her “Application cum Examination Fee Form” filled by the candidate, within next 48 Hrs of making the online payment of the examination fee
- The process of Registration of application will be considered complete only when application fee is deposited with BFSI SSC. Candidates are requested to note down the acknowledgement number and keep a copy of application form for their future reference
Click Here to Download Notification PDF