NTR Memorial Trust is committed to providing quality education and financial assistance to meritorious girl students who wish to prepare for CLAT, IPM, JEE-Main, NEET & CIVIL Services along with intermediate courses.
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NTR Trust UPSC Merit Scholarship Test 2025: Apply Now
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NTR Trust UPSC Merit Scholarship Test 2025: Apply Now
The NTR Memorial Trust, through its renowned subsidiary Excel Civils Academy, has announced the UPSC Merit Scholarship 2025 Exam. This initiative aims to provide financial assistance to deserving UPSC aspirants, helping them access quality coaching without financial constraints.About the UPSC Merit Scholarship 2025
Cracking the UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) is a dream for many students across India. However, the high costs of coaching and study materials often become a barrier, especially for students from economically weaker backgrounds. To address this challenge, the NTR Trust UPSC Merit Scholarship offers up to 75% fee waiver for top-performing candidates.
Key Highlights of the Scholarship:
Financial Assistance:
Offline Exam Mode:
Excel Civils Academy, an initiative of NTR Trust, provides structured coaching programs for aspirants preparing for IAS, IPS, IFS, and other UPSC Group A & B services. The academy offers expert guidance, quality study materials, mock tests, and answer-writing practice to help students succeed in the UPSC examination.
- Up to 75% discount on coaching fees for meritorious students.
Offline Exam Mode:
- The scholarship test will be conducted in pen and paper mode.
- The exam will be held at two locations – Hyderabad and Vijayawada.
About NTR Trust and Excel Civils Academy
NTR Memorial Trust has been actively working in the fields of education, healthcare, and disaster response. The organization is committed to supporting students, youth, and disadvantaged communities in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.Excel Civils Academy, an initiative of NTR Trust, provides structured coaching programs for aspirants preparing for IAS, IPS, IFS, and other UPSC Group A & B services. The academy offers expert guidance, quality study materials, mock tests, and answer-writing practice to help students succeed in the UPSC examination.
Scholarship Exam Details
UPSC Merit Scholarship 2025 Exam Information:Exam Name: UPSC Merit Scholarship 2025 ExamConducted by: Excel Civils Academy (NTR Memorial Trust)
Mode: Offline (Pen and Paper)
Exam Date: March 23, 2025
Timings: 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM (2 Hours)
Exam Centers:
Excel Civils Academy, NTR Trust Bhavan, Banjara Hills Road No. 2, Hyderabad
Parvataneni Brahmayya Siddhartha College of Arts and Science, Vijayawada
Application Deadline : March 20, 2025
Exam Date : March 23, 2025
Results Announcement :To Be Announced
To apply for the UPSC Merit Scholarship 2025, candidates must fulfill the following requirements:
Educational Qualification:Candidates must have completed Intermediate (12th class) or a Degree (Graduation).
Students currently pursuing their graduation are also eligible to apply.
UPSC Aspirants:The scholarship is intended for serious UPSC CSE aspirants preparing for IAS, IPS, IFS, and other Group A & B services.
Residence Preference:
Students from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana will be given preference, but applicants from other states can also apply.
The exact discount percentage depends on the student's performance in the scholarship exam.
2. Access to High-Quality Coaching:Coaching by expert faculty with in-depth knowledge of the UPSC syllabus.
Comprehensive study materials, mock tests, and answer-writing practice sessions.
Doubt-clearing sessions to help students strengthen their weak areas.
3. Financial Relief for Deserving Candidates:Many students struggle to afford premium UPSC coaching fees.
This scholarship ensures that financial constraints do not hinder aspiring civil servants from achieving their dreams.
Applicants should ensure that all documents are clear and legible before submission.
Apply now and take a step closer to your IAS, IPS, or IFS dream
For any questions related to the UPSC Merit Scholarship 2025 exam, students can reach out at:
Contact Numbers: 9100433442, 9100433445
Parvataneni Brahmayya Siddhartha College of Arts and Science, Vijayawada
Scholarship Benefits:
- Up to 75% discount on course fees for selected students
Important Dates to Remember
Application Start Date : Open NowApplication Deadline : March 20, 2025
Exam Date : March 23, 2025
Results Announcement :To Be Announced
Eligibility Criteria
To apply for the UPSC Merit Scholarship 2025, candidates must fulfill the following requirements:
Educational Qualification:Candidates must have completed Intermediate (12th class) or a Degree (Graduation).
Students currently pursuing their graduation are also eligible to apply.
UPSC Aspirants:The scholarship is intended for serious UPSC CSE aspirants preparing for IAS, IPS, IFS, and other Group A & B services.
Residence Preference:
Students from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana will be given preference, but applicants from other states can also apply.
Scholarship Benefits
1. Scholarship Discount:Selected students will receive up to 75% discount on UPSC coaching fees.The exact discount percentage depends on the student's performance in the scholarship exam.
2. Access to High-Quality Coaching:Coaching by expert faculty with in-depth knowledge of the UPSC syllabus.
Comprehensive study materials, mock tests, and answer-writing practice sessions.
Doubt-clearing sessions to help students strengthen their weak areas.
3. Financial Relief for Deserving Candidates:Many students struggle to afford premium UPSC coaching fees.
This scholarship ensures that financial constraints do not hinder aspiring civil servants from achieving their dreams.
How to Apply?
Students can apply for the UPSC Merit Scholarship 2025 Exam through either online or offline mode.Online Application Process:
- Visit the official website of Excel Civils Academy.
- Find the “UPSC Merit Scholarship 2025” application link.
- Fill out the application form with personal and educational details.
- Upload the required documents (if applicable).
- Submit the application before the deadline – March 20, 2025.
Offline Application Process:
- Visit the NTR Trust office in person.
- Collect the physical application form.
- Fill out the form and attach the required documents.
- Submit the completed application by March 20, 2025.
Documents Required
Applicants must provide the following documents while applying for the UPSC Merit Scholarship 2025 Exam:- A recent passport-sized photograph
- Aadhar card or any other valid government ID proof
- 12th class or degree mark sheets (if applicable)
- Caste certificate (for students applying under reserved categories)
Applicants should ensure that all documents are clear and legible before submission.
Final Thoughts
The UPSC Merit Scholarship 2025 by NTR Trust and Excel Civils Academy is an excellent opportunity for aspiring civil servants to receive top-notch coaching at highly subsidized rates. If you are preparing for the UPSC Civil Services Examination, don’t miss this chance to secure financial support and access quality coaching.Apply now and take a step closer to your IAS, IPS, or IFS dream
For any questions related to the UPSC Merit Scholarship 2025 exam, students can reach out at:
Contact Numbers: 9100433442, 9100433445